Iconic Honda Civic

                                       Why old civics?

Every car enthusiast know about the Honda Civic, In the early 90's Honda released one of the most popular street cars, The Honda Civic EK Hatchback; Some variants had the iconic B series engine which became popular for it's reliability. Even now you can still see some civics til this day. Modified or stock it's a great car.

 It's engine if boosted can handle a good amount of psi even stock engines not to mention their very light and could make a good track car. No wonder people like modifying them. Would i buy this rather than the new ones? No. Even if the engine is good some of the cars parts are already hard to find and most of them are not in good shape all the time. Most of the people who buy these cars make them as their "Project cars" But if i had money to spend why not?

The latest generation of civics for me don't have the excitement and the feel compared to these civics. Even if they have more technology and horsepower, a car enthusiast will always look at the old type r's rather than the new one. Mainly because it is a good machine.
